Module 4.1



Child safety is so important to us at Alchemy. We work closely with the Office of the children’s guardian to ensure we meet all child safety requirements, including requiring a Working with children check for any tutor working with us that is over the age of 18.

For the purposes of clarity, the Office of the children’s guardian defines any person under the age of 18 to be a child – so the same policies apply if you are working with a kindergarten student or an HSC student.

It is your responsibility to take child safety seriously. Even though your student may only be a year or so younger than you, you still need to maintain a professional relationship with them; and nothing more. As much as possible, choose a workspace that has plenty of visibility such as a dining table or kitchen bench and if they choose a bedroom ensure the door is left open. Do not initiate contact that may be seen as anything more than friendly with your student – including via SMS or social media.

Do not:
Add your student on social media until they have graduated.
Discuss intimate details of your or their personal life.
Organise to catch up socially.
Hug or touch your student (hi 5’s, hand shakes and fist bumps are ok).

These may seem extreme, but as you progress with your student you will get more and more comfortable together and these things may become very easy to do. In some situations they will initiate contact that is not tutoring related, and whilst you may feel rude for shutting them down, it isn’t worth the risk – it just takes a parent walking by at the wrong moment and hearing you talk about something or doing something you shouldn’t be for flags to be raised.

There are very serious consequences for child safety offences such as significant fines and jail time.

We have a comprehensive child safety policy that you can find in tutorhub. It outlines our responsibilities and requirements under the office of the children’s guardian.

If you have any questions regarding child safety please get in touch.